
・徳永将史「Field-induced insulating state of BiSb alloys in the quantum limit states」国際会議RHMF2024(ナイメーヘン/オランダ)(7-11 July 2024)(poster)

・近藤雅起「High-field study of spin-valley coupled Dirac fermion in layered polar metal Ba1-xSrxMnBi2」国際会議RHMF2024(ナイメーヘン/オランダ)(7-11 July 2024)(poster)

・木下雄斗「Developing polarizing microscopy system under high magnetic field」国際会議RHMF2024(ナイメーヘン/オランダ)(7-11 July 2024)(poster)

・徳永将史「Six-step magnetoelectric plateaus in a polar honeycomb lattice Ising antiferromagnet Fe2Mo3O8」国際会議ICM2024(ボローニャ/イタリア)(6 June-5 July 2024)(oral)

・近藤雅起「Impacts of chemical substitution on polar structure and spin valley coupling in layered Dirac metal Ba1-xSrxMnBi2」国際会議ICM2024(ボローニャ/イタリア)(6 June-5 July 2024)(poster)

・木下雄斗「Direct observation of the spatial distribution of the magnetoelectric effect using a polarizing microscopy with a magneto-optical sensor」国際会議ICM2024(ボローニャ/イタリア)(6 June-5 July 2024)(poster)